Successor Trustee/Executor Information Checklist Location of Records Original of will Original of codicil Trust documents Safe deposit box and key Bankbook and savings passbook Treasury bills and certificates of deposit Social Security records Real estate deeds and mortgage documents Veteran's information Stock certificates and bonds Promissory notes and loan documents Business records Partnership records Corporation records Automobile titles Income tax records Credit card records Birth certificate Warranties Other important papers Funeral or Cremation Arrangements Name of mortuary, funeral home, or crematorium Name of person contacted Phone Address Arrangements made Name of cemetery Name of person contacted Phone Address Arrangements made Location of memorial or church service Name of person contacted Phone Address Arrangements made Persons to Contact Clergy Address City, State, Zip Phone Lawyer Address City, State, Zip Phone Accountant Address City, State, Zip Phone IRA or Keogh account trustee Address City, State, Zip Phone Stockbroker Address City, State, Zip Phone Investment counselor Address City, State, Zip Phone Life insurance agent Address City, State, Zip Phone General insurance agent Address City, State, Zip Phone Medical insurance agent Address City, State, Zip Phone Health insurance agent Address City, State, Zip Phone Physician Address City, State, Zip Phone Dentist Address City, State, Zip Phone Employer Address City, State, Zip Phone Employer Address City, State, Zip Phone Business associate Address City, State, Zip Phone Business associate Address City, State, Zip Phone Union representative Address City, State, Zip Phone Guardian named in will Address City, State, Zip Phone Guardian named in will Address City, State, Zip Phone Trustee named in will Address City, State, Zip Phone Trustee named in will Address City, State, Zip Phone Military unit Address City, State, Zip Phone Veteran's organization Address City, State, Zip Phone Bank, savings and loan, or credit union Address City, State, Zip Phone Mortgage company Address City, State, Zip Phone Utility Address City, State, Zip Phone Utility Address City, State, Zip Phone Utility Address City, State, Zip Phone Utility Address City, State, Zip Phone Utility Address City, State, Zip Phone Newspaper Address City, State, Zip Phone Magazine Address City, State, Zip Phone Credit card company Address City, State, Zip Phone Credit card company Address City, State, Zip Phone Credit card company Address City, State, Zip Phone Relatives to Contact Relative name Address City, State, Zip Phone Relative name Address City, State, Zip Phone Relative name Address City, State, Zip Phone Relative name Address City, State, Zip Phone Relative name Address City, State, Zip Phone Relative name Address City, State, Zip Phone Relative name Address City, State, Zip Phone Relative name Address City, State, Zip Phone Friends to Contact Friend name Address City, State, Zip Phone Friend name Address City, State, Zip Phone Friend name Address City, State, Zip Phone Friend name Address City, State, Zip Phone Friend name Address City, State, Zip Phone Friend name Address City, State, Zip Phone Friend name Address City, State, Zip Phone Friend name Address City, State, Zip Phone Newspaper Obituary Information Newspaper Address City, State, Zip Phone Newspaper Address City, State, Zip Phone Newspaper Address City, State, Zip Phone Name Date of birth Place of birth Current residence Former residence Occupation Education Military service Club, union, civic, or fraternal organizations Special achievements Survivors Date of death Place of service Date of service Time of service Memorial contribution preference