Successor Trustee/Executor Duties Checklist Immediate Successor Trustee/Executor Duties Contact cemetery regarding burial or cremation Contact local newspaper with obituary information Contact relatives and close friends Contact employer and business associates Contact lawyer and accountant Arrange for pallbearers Contact mortuary or funeral home regarding services Arrange for immediate care of decedent 's children Arrange for living expenses for decedent 's spouse Contact veterans ' organizations Contact guardians or trustees named in will Contact Medicare Contact union regarding pensions and death benefits Contact employer regarding pensions and death benefits Contact Social Security Administration Obtain death certificates from attending physician Contact military regarding pensions and death benefits Contact county recorder Contact post office Contact Department of Motor Vehicles Arrange for management of business or real estate holdings Review all of decedent 's records and legal documents Contact gas, telephone, cable, electric, trash, and water companies Contact newspaper and magazine subscription departments Contact credit card companies Contact IRA or KEOGH account trustees Successor Trustee/Executor Duties within First Month Contact general insurance agent Contact medical and health insurance companies Contact life insurance agent and report death Successor Trustee/Executor Financial Duties These cannot be delegated Begin inventor y of assets Arrange for appraisal of assets Begin collection of assets Contact banks, savings and loans, and credit unions Contact mortgage companies Contact stockbroker and investment counselor Open bank accounts for estate Open decedent 's safe deposit box Inventor y all estate assets Collect all monies and property due to decedent Pay all taxes due and file all necessary tax returns Provide notice to all creditors of time limit for claims Pay all debts and expenses of decedent, including funeral expenses Arrange for sale of estate assets, if necessary Distribute all remaining assets according to will Close estate books and affairs File the will with probate court Submit final accounting and receipts to probate court