PREMARITAL AGREEMENT This agreement is made on * , 20 * , between * , whose address is * , and * , whose address is * . We intend to be married on * , 20 * , County of * , State of * . We both desire to settle by agreement the ownership rights of all of our property that we currently own and our rights to alimony, spousal support, or maintenance. THEREFORE, in consideration of our mutual promises, and other good and valuable consideration, we agree as follows: We agree that the following property shall be the sole and separate property of * : * We also agree that the following property shall be the sole and separate property of * : * We agree that the above listed property shall remain their own separate and personal estate, including any rents, interest or profits which may be earned on such property. This property shall forever remain free and clear of any claim by the other person. Each person shall have the right to control, sell, or give away their own separate property as if they were not married. We both agree to waive any rights or claims that we may have now or in the future to receive any distribution of any of the other's separate property in the event of divorce or dissolution of marriage. However, in the event of divorce or dissolution of marriage, any marital property which is acquired after marriage will be subject to division, either by agreement between us or by a judicial determination. After careful consideration of our circumstances and all of the other terms of this agreement, we both agree to waive any rights or claims that we may have now or in the future to receive alimony, maintenance, or spousal support from any separate property of the other spouse in the event of divorce or dissolution of marriage. We both fully understand that we are forever giving up any rights that we may have to alimony, maintenance, or spousal support from any separate property of the other spouse in the event of divorce or dissolution of marriage. We have prepared this agreement cooperatively and each of us has fully and honestly disclosed to the other the extent of our assets. We each understand that we have the right to representation by independent counsel. We each fully understand our rights and we each consider the terms of this agreement to be fair and reasonable. Both of us agree to execute and deliver any documents, make any endorsements, and do any and all acts that may be necessary or convenient to carry out all of the terms of this agreement. We agree that this document is intended to be the full and entire pre-marital agreement between us and should be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of * . We also agree that every provision of this agreement is expressly made binding upon the heirs, assigns, executors, administrators, successors in interest, and representatives of each of us. Signed and dated this day * , 20 * . * Signature * Printed Name * Signature * Printed Name * Signature of Witness #1 * Printed Name of Witness #1 * Address of Witness #1 * Signature of Witness #2 * Printed Name of Witness #2 * Address of Witness #2 State of * County of * On * , 20 * , * came before me personally and, under oath, stated that they are the persons described in the above document and they signed the above document in my presence. I declare under penalty of perjury that the persons whose names are subscribed to this instrument appear to be of sound mind and under no duress, fraud, or undue influence. * Signature of Notary Public Notary Public, In and for the County of * State of * My commission expires: * Notary Seal *